What Italian Food Could You Eat Forever?

So... keeping up with the Italian theme, some of the most popular dishes in the world originate from Italy. But which of them would you never get tired of eating? I think mine would be spaghetti with lobster (or prawns) and obviously swimming in sauce (I'm a sauce freak). What I realised whilst in Italy [...]

Trip to Naviglio Grande! Let’s Go!

What's a trip to Italy without a visit to a canal? It's a must! So, I wake up a a day or two before I'm supposed to travel back home to the UK, knowing that this canal trip had been planned for this day. I walk into the bathroom and look in the mirror only [...]

Dark Spots? Glycolic Acid Is A Miracle Worker!

Forgotten to apply sunscreen through the summer months? Or maybe you've picked your spots/pimples and it's left marks?Whatever the reason is, I have the answer to it! Click here to shop Here to save the day: glycolic acid. Yes, you've probably heard about this hero ingredient before. The alpha-hydroxy acid has been around for many [...]

A Cleaner Finds £300,000 On A London Bus; What Next?

They do say 'honesty is the best policy', but this one leaves you thinking endless, what-ifs? This does sound fictional, as you're probably thinking, who would be walking around with £300,000 in cash? But guess what? It happened! I heard this article a few months ago, and couldn't believe it! Incredibly, instead of keeping the [...]

The Best Beauty Advent Calendars 2019!

When's a better time to get makeup you love or have been meaning to try? Makeup is heavily discounted in these advent calendars; it's the only time of year you get makeup freebies! Let's check out the best beauty advent calendars! I always love this time of year! As you get the best bang for [...]