Does Money Divide Us?

Does Money Divide Us?

Money is the root of all evil. Or does the evil already exist within you? Money, comes and goes. It’s a product we figuratively translate into meaning, purpose and fundamentally, worth. The concept helps categorise, compare whilst also having the power to cause conflict. But as Bob Dylan says, 'Money doesn’t talk, it swears'. As [...]

Are You Worthy?

Are You Worthy?

Dishing out advice may seem far easier than asking yourself the soul-churning question, often either rhetorical or left unanswered. Am I worthy? Life feels like a movie. You pause, rewind and resume where you left off. Following another’s clapperboard is far easier than your own. Their narrative is easier to confide in than yours. But [...]

A Digital Detox Holiday – Off-Grid; Blissful or Impractical?

A Digital Detox Holiday – Off-Grid; Blissful or Impractical?

A getaway from your everyday life to reset your mind, body and soul. But is no internet too extreme and far worse than staying home? Recently, I saw some flyers advertising holidays, whether that be rural - back to basics or a hi-tech gadget luxurious stay where you have all your home comforts and more [...]

Are Table Manners History?

Are Table Manners History?

Etiquette? Manners? Get with the times, it's no longer trendy. So get your elbows out, we're free to do as we please! Sorry I worded that too respectfully, give me time and I'll even get my phone out; I can multitask, didn't you know? Society. Today. You choose to dine out to mark a special [...]

Meeting The Parents AKA In-Laws; One Question, Why?

Meeting The Parents AKA In-Laws; One Question, Why?

“Hi, I’m Ben. I like your daughter. Intentions? I’m unsure; what will be, will be!” - this is why meeting the in-laws should not be a priority in 2024. You’re dating, possibly in love. Good time to meet the parents, right? In my opinion, nope. If your mentality is modern, why entertain old fashioned customs? [...]