Is Your Partner Mentally and Emotionally Ready For Marriage? Spot the signs!

Is Your Partner Mentally and Emotionally Ready For Marriage? Spot the signs!

Red flags, warnings and everything in between. How to pick the right one from a sea of imitators! I'm sure almost all of us have been there. Marriage may be looming, or your date may be dating with the intent of marriage. What actions should you look out for? The tell-tale signs may be clearer [...]

Truth: Your Fictitious Mind’s Worst Enemy.

Truth: Your Fictitious Mind’s Worst Enemy.

2023 is definitely a year for the unexpected. A year I’ll remember for the rest of my life, for many reasons. And most of all, I’ve learnt what it is to be, you. The mind’s a powerful thing. Organ in fact. Almost like an orchestra playing to your tune, with your role as conductor. Once [...]

Race: Eradicate or Alter?

Race: Eradicate or Alter?

The topic of race can be a taboo subject. But should this subject be in existence at all? Disclaimer: This post is mainly about the term "race" and looking further into the meaning behind it. We always have to declare our race. If it's for a passport, job, medically and so on. It's become engrained [...]

Justice In A Pandemic; Law Versus Status

Justice In A Pandemic; Law Versus Status

Whether you're a railway ticket officer or Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, will justice be equal or biased? A few days ago, I was tuning into the news, and it was one of the most harrowing things I've heard, especially during such sombre times. Belly Mujinga, 47, a railway ticket office worker, died after [...]