How Can You Respect Others If You Don’t Respect Yourself?

How Can You Respect Others If You Don’t Respect Yourself?

“How are you? Are you well? Are you okay? How’s life been? If ever you want to talk, I’m here”. Let’s stop this one-sided cycle; who’s loving you? And most importantly, who’s respecting you? It’s like a never ending marathon without a water station in sight. I’m parched and proceeding to dire dehydration if I [...]

How To: Perfect Your Brows Using 3 Products!

How To: Perfect Your Brows Using 3 Products!

Brows can be a mammoth task. Matching one another, whilst looking realistic; it's a minefield! Sisters, cousins, identical twins, or it'd be lovely if they were from the same planet! With these quick and easy products, say goodbye to questionable, non-related brows and hello to natural-looking perfected brows! I've been through all the phases let [...]

Are Wedding Vows Obsolete?

Are Wedding Vows Obsolete?

For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part; starting out life on a lie? Is this when I say, "I do"? It’s the unfortunate truth. Many can’t wait for the picture-perfect flowers, veil, white dress and honeymoon. But what does [...]

A Digital Detox Holiday – Off-Grid; Blissful or Impractical?

A Digital Detox Holiday – Off-Grid; Blissful or Impractical?

A getaway from your everyday life to reset your mind, body and soul. But is no internet too extreme and far worse than staying home? Recently, I saw some flyers advertising holidays, whether that be rural - back to basics or a hi-tech gadget luxurious stay where you have all your home comforts and more [...]

Meeting The Parents AKA In-Laws; One Question, Why?

Meeting The Parents AKA In-Laws; One Question, Why?

“Hi, I’m Ben. I like your daughter. Intentions? I’m unsure; what will be, will be!” - this is why meeting the in-laws should not be a priority in 2024. You’re dating, possibly in love. Good time to meet the parents, right? In my opinion, nope. If your mentality is modern, why entertain old fashioned customs? [...]