How Can You Respect Others If You Don’t Respect Yourself?

How Can You Respect Others If You Don’t Respect Yourself?

“How are you? Are you well? Are you okay? How’s life been? If ever you want to talk, I’m here”. Let’s stop this one-sided cycle; who’s loving you? And most importantly, who’s respecting you? It’s like a never ending marathon without a water station in sight. I’m parched and proceeding to dire dehydration if I [...]

Are You Worthy?

Are You Worthy?

Dishing out advice may seem far easier than asking yourself the soul-churning question, often either rhetorical or left unanswered. Am I worthy? Life feels like a movie. You pause, rewind and resume where you left off. Following another’s clapperboard is far easier than your own. Their narrative is easier to confide in than yours. But [...]

How To: Perfect Your Brows Using 3 Products!

How To: Perfect Your Brows Using 3 Products!

Brows can be a mammoth task. Matching one another, whilst looking realistic; it's a minefield! Sisters, cousins, identical twins, or it'd be lovely if they were from the same planet! With these quick and easy products, say goodbye to questionable, non-related brows and hello to natural-looking perfected brows! I've been through all the phases let [...]

Are Wedding Vows Obsolete?

Are Wedding Vows Obsolete?

For better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part; starting out life on a lie? Is this when I say, "I do"? It’s the unfortunate truth. Many can’t wait for the picture-perfect flowers, veil, white dress and honeymoon. But what does [...]

What Helps You Unwind?

What Helps You Unwind?

Busy day; brain wired; consuming thoughts; anxiety; excitement - how do you find your inner calm? So much is going on in not only our lives but the world. It can make it difficult to gain perspective and take a breather for a moment or two for yourself. Your mind may feel like it’s racing [...]