My Secret Driving Pleasures and Regime – I Can’t Be The Only One?

My Secret Driving Pleasures and Regime – I Can’t Be The Only One?

Your car's your own personalised space. Inside, away from onlooking eyes, you lead a different life. Eating cereal, driving barefoot, shaving even, I've heard them all; I'll clarify I haven't done either of these three, scouts honour! What does your double life look like? Ignore my messy bun, my car's used to this by now! [...]

North Wales Holiday: Part One!

North Wales Holiday: Part One!

Sheep, sheep and more sheep. Oh and winding roads. Plus Snowdonia, need I say anymore? Beauty, simplified in the best way. Morning views from the cottage. Wales. 7 days to enjoy your surroundings in a lovely quaint cottage decked out with high specs. 30 minute walk to the beach, a slice of welsh heaven. But [...]

Do You Love or Hate Driving?

Do You Love or Hate Driving?

For some, driving can be stressful and for others it can be the equivalent of doing yoga! I know, strange right? I feel like driving is one of the only things that clears my mind. I find other things work also, but nowhere near as much as driving, I think. It's immensely therapeutic to me. [...]

I’ve Passed My Practical Driving Test!

I’ve Passed My Practical Driving Test!

Now's a time for celebration, and a warning that I'm officially allowed on the roads. Yes, yes - you heard that right! I can't believe it. My first manual driving test - I passed! All the early mornings, late nights. The close shaves. Roundabouts. Stalling. Cars beeping me. Driving me off the road. Even one [...]

Upcoming Theory Test; Any Tips?

The nerves are starting to kick in since I can't alter the appointment without losing my fee! Help is most welcome! I'm thinking ahead about everything. The venue, the atmosphere, how many people will be there, will it be easy or hard? I've been hard at the books - nowadays it's the app, but you [...]