Quarantine Cravings: Steak

Quarantine Cravings: Steak

I can't be the only one, daydreaming of a good old steak repeatedly. Restaurant quality steak, I mustn't be the only one? And yes, the image above is shaky as very shortly after it was taken, the contents were devoured! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EJ3zbKTWQ8 Listen to whilst reading to get the full craving experience I know what you're [...]

If You Could Only Have One Meal For The Rest Of Your Life, What Would It Be?

Your foodie favourites can say so much about you! I want to know all about yours! Burger and Lobster Hi everyone! I want to start getting to know you all more, on simpler terms. As sometimes when I talk on here it can be on quite heavy topics (which I love). So I want to [...]