Is Minoxidil (Regaine) Effective For Hair Loss in Women?

Is Minoxidil (Regaine) Effective For Hair Loss in Women?

Is the only FDA topical medication approved for hair loss in women, worth it? I'm sure many of us have been there. We've seen extra strands in the bathtub, or we're having to remove the build up of shedding hair from our brushes more often than before. Even though it shouldn't be, let's admit, it's [...]

Alopecia: Biopsy Results

Alopecia: Biopsy Results

Conundrum please.... So if you're not aware, this is part two to my alopecia story. If you've missed the first post it may be helpful having a quick read through it first, so this one makes more sense. Shortly after I had the biopsy done the receptionist said I'd receive an appointment letter in the [...]