Why Do You Project Your Insecurities Onto Others?

Confidence can be a driving force in conversing. Insecurities can also, but the outcome is drastically different. One question, why? I’m not the enemy, but you programme me to appear like it.

I’ve realised people can either lift you or drag you down. Passive aggressiveness aimed at you is usually a result of their own unhappiness, but if you’re not cautious you’ll start questioning yourself.

It may be superficial aspects, character traits or attempting to dim your light to allow them to shine more. When in reality their flickering bulb is what needs attending to.

By improving your soul internally you’ll put out good and positivity into the world. Questioning one’s abilities, looks or identity does not make you more superior, in fact it highlights that your own lack of fulfilment and contentment; it’ll be more beneficial seeking help and working on yourself.

I’m Just Sayin – Steve Harvey Gif

The under the radar, sly, disrespectful commentary / digs can be quite common practice, whether that’s in the workplace; loved ones like family or friends; people in a position of authority and wrongly exercising their power; even a romantic partner. Don’t forget it’s an established mindset which will usually come to the surface in various ways. Depending on methodology and what may be boiling over, inside.

Ways to deal with complex behaviour taking a downward trajectory if removing yourself from the situation isn’t an option: keep them at arms length, don’t allow them in your inner circle or your peaceful serenity. Boundaries are key to insuring they can’t do permanent, life-changing damage.

After all, it’s your life. It’s easy to dilute your values, character, soul or looks to appease others. But once you’ve made that change, it’s very difficult to get back the strength you once had. Celebrate who you are, not who they think you are or want you to be. Now that’s authenticity.

You demanded authenticity. – Will Smith gif.

What do you think? Have you experienced insecurities / jealousy being projected onto you or others? Comment below!

7 thoughts on “Why Do You Project Your Insecurities Onto Others?

  1. I think anyone who’s ever had a “friend” that makes little “jokes” about your shortcomings, or a co-worker who sends an email pointing out your error while cc’ing all, can relate to this post. Avoidance when possible, healthy distance when not. Great post, Antonia!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. All outer world improvements begin with restructuring our inner world. We must first transform ourselves into beautiful creatures to truly see beauty in others. When I was bitter I only saw bitter people for example. Keep writing, I am following now.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes, I think most of us have seen this. Some people are jealous, very competitive, or are just unkind people. Jealousy is a natural reaction in our competitive world. Even dogs are affected. Our mini-Australian Shepherd Rollo is jealous of our pug Daisy right now because she is getting a lot of attention because she is old and sick. We have to watch him so he does not get aggressive with her while trying to give him enough attention and sending him the message that our attention is not his to decide on.


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