Toxicity: Self-inflicted Adrenaline Rush. Why Return For More?

Crying wolf after welcoming venom with open arms; self-harm or short-sighted stupidity?

The more we see, the more we age, the more savvy and informed we’re meant to become. After all, life lessons are wake up calls. But why do we constantly hit the snooze button?

It can be a bitter pill to swallow, the truth triggering an autoimmune response. If you want the cookie cutter perfection from others, it’s wiser just buying the set of 5. At least then, if it goes wrong, it’s in your control.

Relying upon others to sustain happiness is an unsustainable, vicious circle. The highs complete you, make you feel worthy, invincible even. The lows can make you question if your existence is noticed. So why would you enable the dangerous sequence of events? To fulfil the voids in your life. Possibly even underlying insecurities yet to be addressed. If life teaches you one thing, it’s to never depend on others for a false sense of emotional stability. To permanently avoid the toxic detour which looks ever so appealing towards instant short-term validation and happiness; how do we install healthy, sustainable foundations to make ourselves happy?

Route to happiness.

Change. Learning what makes you truly happy whilst practicing reliability. Regulating the vast ranging highs and lows; engaging the balanced, feasible, reliable mid-range will allow you to control and neutralise the extremity dial to reduce the drastic shift; lessening the severity, urgency and frequency between these two emotions.

Peace. Proving a point is for whom? Recollections matter to whom? Interpretations and impressions are for whom? Often it’s not for them, deep down it’s to prove and appease your own agenda. To quieten and deafen the turmoil you live with. We look for gratification, acceptance and acknowledgement from others, but why aren’t we asking ourselves? Too traumatic? Facing your own inner demons will make you at peace with whatever life throws at you. Depending on others to sort through and rectify your inadequacies, mistakes and regrets reiterates the fear and inability to gain contentment for yourself. You can only do that by sorting out your own mess and being at peace with events no longer in the present moment.

Control. To exercise control: what you will and won’t accept from others is pivotal to not making the same mistake twice. What do you want? What does your future look like? Being respected is important, once you can respect yourself. What will this person add to my life? Is this a mutually beneficial relationship? What values do I want to live by? Do they uphold that? If you have to dilute your true self to appease others, that won’t be sustainable for long. The people you choose to surround yourself with, represent you. If they’re not cutting it, nonchalant, disrespectful or calling the shots for example, it’s automatically your loss. You’re simply exercising their power. Unless you enjoy being a pawn, don’t wait to be checkmated. Your life is not a game.


Self-work and self-help is the hardest but most powerful and rewarding thing you can do in your life. To look back at the years you’ve wasted balancing weights on your shoulders, due to not wanting to face them and move on can ruin your life but it’s never to let to change the habit of a lifetime.

You’re only as strong as your weakest link. Focus on yourself and not baring the load on what’s broken. No amount of welding can cure the mind, which is the most powerful tool.

Only you can access the most complex organ in the human body. Understanding, addressing and restoring your own mind will forever change your outlook, happiness and contentment.

The question is, do you want to? The alternative is self-medicating on spoon-fed poison; also commonly referred to as sticking your head in the sand. The choice is yours.

Life is short, but your mind can make a moment last a lifetime. Choose your moments wisely.

What do you think? How do you handle toxicity? Has it damaged your life? How do you enforce your boundaries? Comment below!

8 thoughts on “Toxicity: Self-inflicted Adrenaline Rush. Why Return For More?

  1. GOD CAN USE YOU!! Part 1.

    God has specific reasons for creating everything and nothing is too large or small for Him to use. Even ants have a function. Consider this…one colony of Allegheny Ants can move 5 tons of subsoil and turn it into topsoil in just one year! If that wasn’t incredible enough, during the process of “creating” the topsoil, the saliva, digestive juices and other secretions from the ants enrich the soil by increasing the nutrients found therein. In order to move that much soil in such a relatively short period of time, the colony needs to work steadily and tirelessly. In Proverbs 6:6 we read: “Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise:” If God can use a tiny ant to move and enrich the soil, how much more can He do through and with us?! Let’s examine some of the ways we can be of use to Him.

    God can use us when we see others compassionately.
    In Matthew 9:36 we are told: “But when He (Jesus) saw the multitudes, He was moved with compassion on them, because they fainted and were scattered abroad as sheep having no shepherd…”

    How many of us see others with the compassion of Christ? Do we take into account the circumstances surrounding and affecting them? Do we know their personal stories…their truths? DO WE REALLY WANT TO? Some people wear their “hearts on their sleeves,” while others are as silent and staid as a statue. Many of those around us are easy to read and understand, however, the majority tend to be complex and almost inscrutable due to years of surviving in a duplicitous and ungodly society.

    And yet, we are to exemplify Christ…not just in our thoughts, but also in our words and actions…in our emotions and beliefs…every day, not just when we feel like it…in every way, not just when convenient. This is not an option…it is the reality of the true believer in Christ.

    The compassion of Christ is also made manifest through love…not through sexual or physical expressions but through Agape as described in 1 Corinthians 13:7 which states: love “…Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things. ” In Christ, compassion and love are inseparable…and because of this, it is natural to reach out in compassionate tenderness to those in need.

    It is necessary to remember that God is love (1John 4:16).
    Jesus, in John 10:30, stated that He and His Father are One, therefore, Christ Jesus is also love. To understand Him more fully, read 1 Corinthians 13:7 thusly: Christ beareth all things, Christ believeth all things, Christ hopeth all things, Christ endureth all things. Christ loves all of His creation…even those we perceive to be different or unlovable…and since He loves them, so should we. People need the Lord…and they need to see and meet Him through us.

    How often do we react to the desperate needs of mankind in fear…in contempt…or with rejection instead of being moved to compassion as Jesus was in Matthew 9:36b? Without Christ, we are all like blind men who are searching in a dark room for a black cat that doesn’t actually exist! However, according to
    1 Peter 2:9, God uses His children to reach people who are trapped in that desperate condition…He uses us to bring His light and His sight to that dark room.

    Almighty and Everliving God, please open my eyes so that I see people in the way you want me to…open my heart so that Your love and compassion shines forth …and use me however You want to so that Your Kingdom increases. To You belongs all the praise, honour and the glory now and forever. Amen

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Most definitely! People can add a little sprinkle of magic to your life. And should be mutually beneficial to reap maximum rewards!

      Aww thankyouu, have a lovely day too!🤗🤍

      Liked by 1 person

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