If You Could Only Have One Meal For The Rest Of Your Life, What Would It Be?

Your foodie favourites can say so much about you! I want to know all about yours!

Burger and Lobster

Hi everyone! I want to start getting to know you all more, on simpler terms. As sometimes when I talk on here it can be on quite heavy topics (which I love). So I want to switch it up sometimes with light hearted subjects, so I can start to get to know you more, as a friend basically! That sounds like I’m really sad, but in reality, if you’re getting to know someone, you’d want to get to know even the silly little things, as well as when you talk about more meaningful subjects. I read so many amazing and interesting posts, and would love to know more about the bloggers/writers behind them all! So the one meal I’d pick for the rest of my life is…

I can’t pick between the two (I am quite indecisive when it comes to food), so it’d be either a Nando’s; half a chicken, hot (spice), with spicy rice and mash – if you’ve never heard of Nando’s, it’s a South African restaurant chain, specialising in Portuguese food, and they’re mainly known for their flame-grilled peri peri chicken. Or, Lobster in a brioche bun, with that incredible sauce and fries on the side. I think the lobster has the edge over the Nando’s, so I’d probably have that dish for the rest of my life since it’s a bit fancy! If you’re ever in London, Burger and Lobster is the best place! It really isn’t as expensive as you think it’d be. It’s so tasty you’ll see yourself always coming back for more. Yum!! FYI, I think they now have a restaurant in Singapore but they’re based in London! Definitely the lobster in the brioche bun is my meal for life choice!

What would be the meal you’d eat for the rest of your life? What meal would you hate? Comment below!

81 thoughts on “If You Could Only Have One Meal For The Rest Of Your Life, What Would It Be?

  1. For Laura, Some kind of multi variety meal, that I love – so Surf and Turf with potato filled with butter and sour cream toppings of every kind and gravy, a huge variety salad with fruit and a dessert of mini desserts – cheesecake, crème brule with chocolate brownies. This way since I only get one meal for the rest of my life, I can pick and choose what I like and make other meals out of the one meal. David would have a hard time choosing….. he is still thinking he said.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Ahhhh I love surf and turf that’s a very good choice! Hahaha I didn’t think of multiple courses, very sneaky! 😂🤔Definitely, as there’s enough food there to feed an army different dishes 😂. Typical! I’m sure it’s in a guys DNA to be indecisive hahaha!
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day you two! 😊

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    1. Ohhhh that sounds so good! I love calamari! But I imagine the texture of the squid all of the time might get to me 🤔. It’s fairly healthy actually, especially if the chips are homemade!
      Trust me, Burger and Lobster is the best EVER! The lobster is so fresh they actually have live lobster in the tanks and if you want to spend more, you can pick which lobster you want to have on your plate. That’s a bit extreme for me as you’re literally picking them from a tank! But some people love that!
      I’ve never had the burgers from there because I’ve always been addicted to the lobster brioche bun. But I must try it next time, I imagine they’re incredible! Let me know if you ever go and your experience of the place and food!
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day 😊

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Ohhhh that’s a good choice! But you’ll basically be having all different sorts of meals everyday 😂! Does that defeat the purpose of having to choose one 🤔. Haha I definitely didn’t think of these smart answers before I picked mine! 😂
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day 😊

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Chicken cashew with rice from Noodle House and close 2nd is the nandos chicken butterfly with peri peri fries…… 😍😋🤪

    I thought nandos is Portuguese too but apparently it’s south African 🤔

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Ahh that sounds so delicious! I wish I could try that, but I’m allergic to nuts! It’s so annoying! Nando’s is so good as you could have the same dish everyday but with different marinades haha!
      I did not know that! They’ve always said Portuguese but last time I went I did see their interior design changed and my words were ‘it looks like an African restaurant chain and not Portuguese 🤔’. I just thought I was thinking too much into it and going mad. I just checked and it is South African! You learn something new everyday!
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting Bushara!
      Have a lovely day 😊

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Pizza topped with garlic? That’s an usual food choice😂 I must try that as I’m a garlic fan. But I’ve never heard of garlic on a pizza. I don’t even think that’s an option when you order from pizza restaurants like pizza hut🤔 are there whole cloves of garlic on the pizza or just garlic powder? I’m very intrigued!
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day😊

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Hahaha! I don’t think we have that in England 😂 the toothpaste joke had me in stitches! I may have to make the pizza with garlic myself then since I can’t buy it from anywhere!🤔
        Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
        Have a great day😃

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooooh wow I’ve never heard of that combo! It sounds absolutely delicious though! I must try that dish one day, I’ll ask you for the recipe if it’s not a secret one when I’m about to make it! Mouthwatering🤤!
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day😊

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh that sounds delicious! Very good choice and garlic is one of my faves! You can never have too much garlic in a dish!
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day😊

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  3. Actually I would probably cheat and do something broad like pizza with micro desert plates and an ice cream center.
    Or perhaps bbq & sides with ice cream for desert.

    That would give me a good bit of flex.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hahaha I don’t think you’ve missed anything out! Basically you’ll have most of everything!😂😂
      I can’t imagine having pizza everyday though, I think after a while The texture of the dough and everything will get to me!
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day😃


  4. Thank you for the information about restaurant-chains .Unfortunately, we don’t have Nando’s and Burger and Lobster either in Japan. I think Japan has been always left from the rest of the world in terms of international restaurant-chain. This is because our native restaurant chain is very competitive and Japanese taste of foods is rather unique. I really wanna try your recommends, when I go to London or Singapore someday in the near future.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Ohh really? That’s annoying! Do you think you might be getting any different types of food when the olympics happen next year? You must try my recommendations, trust me they’ll change your life haha!
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day😃

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    1. Ooooh that sounds gorgeous! I’m not too much of a lamb fan but so many people love it. I imagine curried lamb would be mouthwatering because of the seasoning and succulent meat, maybe I’ll have to try that one day🤔. Really? You hate parsnips? Parsnips are amazing! Especially honey glazed! You must’ve been having parsnips the wrong way😂😂 they taste like many other vegetables!😂
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day😊

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  5. I’m like you. I love the deep stuff too, but I’m trying to add some lighter things to my blog as well. I can’t even answer your question today. I guess I’m experiencing a bit of depression, but it will pass! I wanted to say something anyways, so what you said about the deep stuff was something that I could definitely relate to.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Of course! Light and shade is always good. Ohhh no I hope you’re okay Tina! I hope you smile and laugh at least once today! If I can help in any way, email me.
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting,
      Have a great day🙏

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Awe, thank you, Antonia. That’s so sweet and kind of you. I’m doing better, but I really appreciate your compassion. Oh, by the way…I nominated you for the Mystery Blogger Award, and wrote a little blurb about. I may also hit you up for some beauty advice soon! I desperately need to replace some of my make-up!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I’m so glad you’re doing better! I definitely need to figure out how to reply to that award. As I don’t know how to get the image or anything 😭🙈 I’m trying to get more tech savvy haha! Thankyouu so much for that award Tina! Certainly hit me up for whenever you want beauty advice or anything else!
        Have a lovely Sunday Tina!😊

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Ahhh you must try it! There’s nothing like a good nandos!
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day😃


    1. Oh my goodness that’s incredible!! Thankyouu so much Outosego for your support! I’m definitely taking a look now!
      Thankyouu so much again😃😃😊
      Have a lovely day😊

      Liked by 1 person

  6. You mentioning Nando’s lobster in a brioche bun brought to mind something very similar I might choose – a lobster roll. Made with fresh Maine lobster and drawn butter – OMG! Hold on – I need a moment…

    If money is a concern, though, I’d choose the local takeout’s House Special Singapore Fried Rice. Major yum factor!

    The coolest thing is, both of the above are options in the real world, and I still get to choose among the 143,176 other awesome things humanity cooks up every day!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You’re right. When you put it like that, it really does put it into perspective how lucky we are to have so many food options!
      The lobster roll is phenomenal!
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day! 😊

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha! Oooh I get what you mean, but I think that the texture of the pizza base all day everyday would get to me! I’d probably just end up eating the toppings! I even used to do that regarding a a subway sandwich (weird I know), if i got bored of the bread I’d just eat the filling! I’ve heard I’m not the only person to do things like that though, as some people eat burgers without the burger bun. Mind-boggling 🤷‍♀️
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day 😊

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Hahaha trust me it tastes amazing! So it’s kind of worth it! I can’t remember the last time I had oatmeal (I know that’s really bad)! You must really be a fan of it to eat it everyday!😃 I guess you can serve it lots of different ways, that’s why people love it. I’m probably just the exception 😂
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting Kerry!
      Have a lovely day 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think I am just jealous, Antonia! When I lived in Egypt I contracted a parasite. This made my digestive system a little fragile. Lobster on brioche would make my stomach faint…🦞

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ohh no that sounds terrible! Seafood is definitely something to be careful of, as many get sick from eating it, and for some it can even be fatal.
        Hope you’re well Kerry!

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Oooh you must be super healthy then! For me it would depend on the selection of fruits but that actually isn’t a bad answer! Your immune system will definitely be thanking you! 😂
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day 😊

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Ooooh I love all the above! Especially sushi and steak😍😍 of course the finest! You’re so right. There’s nothing better than a tender, succulent steak. And there’s a huge difference between sushi they sell in the supermarket and amazing sushi at a restaurant!
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day😃


  7. We don’t have a great variety of eating places here, just the regular burgers, pizza, etc. What we do have is plenty of Mexican food restaurants. That would always be my favorite all the time meals. Whether dining out, or cooking it at home, it’s the best – tacos, enchiladas, fajitas, chips, salsa, re-fried beans, guacamole – yes!
    Otherwise it would be breakfast food like eggs, bacon, toast and jelly. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Same! I have to travel all the way to London to get endless food options. I love Mexican! And how everything is seasoned so well, who likes bland food!
      Ohhh is that really how it is where you live? Thank goodness you have so many Mexican restaurants then! Phew 😅.
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day😊

      Liked by 1 person

  8. If I could eat one meal for the rest of my life, it would either be chicken-fried rice from the Chinese restaurant close to my house, or the homemade pizza my mom makes. I love those two foods the most and I feel like if I could eat them everyday, I would. I would hate to eat spaghetti for the rest of my life. I can’t explain why but I just couldn’t imagine myself eating spaghetti everyday.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Chicken fried rice is such a good shout! Especially if it’s from a good Chinese restaurant, it’s delicious! I see what you mean about the spaghetti. I think it may be a texture thing 🤔 maybe if it had a different combination everyday with the spaghetti it wouldn’t be so bad. But spaghetti on its own, no no no! That’d be too boring😂😂.
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day😊


  9. As a person that loves to eat, I’m not sure which item I would choose. No matter how much love something I wouldn’t want to eat anything everyday, lol! But for health purposes because that’s how I think I would choose a balsamic chicken salad with egg, cucumbers, tomatoes, shredded cheese, and shredded carrots. If health wasn’t a factor I’d choose a huge cheese burger !

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha I get what you mean! There’s so many delicious food options out there! It’s almost impossible to pick one! That’s such a great choice as it’s healthy all round! Hahah I imagine a cheeseburger would get boring after a while too! The burger would have to be legendary for me to eat it everyday😂.
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day😃


    1. That sounds absolutely delicious! Marinated steak is always a great idea! A grilled marinated steak is already making my mouth water🤤!
      Such a delicious choice,
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day😊

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    1. I’m really not a pretzel fan!😃😃 for some reason the salty pretzel taste has never been for me, I’ve tried those Flips white fudge covered pretzels and omggg I had one singular pretzel and didn’t want to finish eating it😂😂😂. So many people love pretzels though so maybe I’m just the odd one out! You definitely wouldn’t be getting your 5 a day with that if you had that for the rest of your life😂😂.
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day😊

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  10. Bonjour mon Amie Ami

    S’il existe un sentiment
    Qui n’est pas toujours perçu a sa juste valeur
    C’est bien de s’être connu par les liens du net
    Sur WordPress
    Ce sentiment est sincère et profond
    Nos écris nous redonnent souvent de l’espoir quand la vie est difficile
    Quand tout est dans un climat de respect et d’honnêteté
    Voila donc pourquoi
    Jouir d’une personne comme toi
    Et un très beau cadeau et un immense privilège
    Que rien au monde ne serait remplacer
    Je te souhaite une belle et agréable journée ou soirée
    Amitiés de la Franche-Comté

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oooh it would have to depend on how deluxe the pizza would be!
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day!


    1. Ooooh I love them too. Especially with a great dipping sauce, amazing combo!
      Thankyouu so much for reading and commenting!
      Have a lovely day 😃

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