Contraceptive Pill as Easy as Buying Tic Tacs? One Step Forward or Two Steps Back For Women?

Contraceptive Pill as Easy as Buying Tic Tacs? One Step Forward or Two Steps Back For Women?

In 2023, a child can walk out of her local pharmacy/drugstore with a new shampoo... oh and 'the pill' to prevent pregnancy. How did we get here?! - Children by law in England and Wales, are those up to the age of 18. How I knew it when I was growing up, which was a few [...]

Are We Making Ourselves Happy or Fulfilling Societal Expectations?

Are We Making Ourselves Happy or Fulfilling Societal Expectations?

Job, marriage, mortgage, kids; are these the expectations that narrate our reality? What makes you happy? We're constantly on a hamster wheel day in, day out. Sure, our life sequence is quite repetitive and may not be uplifting, but we've become so engrossed into what we should do and fulfil, the mass and materialistic consumption, [...]

In 2023, Are Women Sexually Objectified More Than Ever?

In 2023, Are Women Sexually Objectified More Than Ever?

Womens liberation and rights, yet I have a rape alarm sitting in my back pocket. Why are women being sexualised more than ever? Day to day, it's hard to escape it. Skirt short or long? Shirt fully buttoned or first few undone? Makeup or natural? Long hair or buzzcut? Heels or trainers? It's not about [...]

Post-Lockdown Holidays: Smart or Naive?

Post-Lockdown Holidays: Smart or Naive?

'Sun, sea and mojitos' sounds like a glimpse into heaven. But is it too early to be booking your next vacation? Once lockdown lifts, people are gonna be moving erratically. Just think of shopping malls on Christmas eve, but leaving all the gifts and grocery shopping until 30 minutes before closing time. Yeah, that kinda [...]

COVID-19 Vaccination: Miracle or Sceptical?

COVID-19 Vaccination: Miracle or Sceptical?

Apart from Coronavirus, vaccinations are next thing on everyone's minds. But will you even get it? One year ago, our lives remained untouched. We could go, see and do what we wanted, when we wanted. Freedom, in its entirety. We couldn't begin to imagine, how our world's would be turned upside down, and the way [...]