Does Money Divide Us?

Does Money Divide Us?

Money is the root of all evil. Or does the evil already exist within you? Money, comes and goes. It’s a product we figuratively translate into meaning, purpose and fundamentally, worth. The concept helps categorise, compare whilst also having the power to cause conflict. But as Bob Dylan says, 'Money doesn’t talk, it swears'. As [...]

Are You Worthy?

Are You Worthy?

Dishing out advice may seem far easier than asking yourself the soul-churning question, often either rhetorical or left unanswered. Am I worthy? Life feels like a movie. You pause, rewind and resume where you left off. Following another’s clapperboard is far easier than your own. Their narrative is easier to confide in than yours. But [...]

How To Practice Self-Love and Care!

How To Practice Self-Love and Care!

Wrapping up and hibernating like a hedgehog is how we tend to get through sickness, rainy days, emotional trauma or simply low days. But I have just the recipe to get you feeling like your normal self in no time! Hey, I wouldn't mind a patio heater over here! The infamous Bridget Jones granny pants [...]

Is Time A Healer or Additional Baggage?

Is Time A Healer or Additional Baggage?

One thing we all have at our disposal is time. Time to reflect, plan ahead, time to understand our emotions and most of all time to understand ourselves. The more you cling onto hope of gratification or acknowledgement differentiating between right or wrong, your outlook is the only soul suffering whilst everyone else’s carries on. [...]

Free Contraceptive Pills – Curbing Population, Without Clarification?

Free Contraceptive Pills – Curbing Population, Without Clarification?

Now, there’s no excuse. No GP appointment needed. No cash needed. Our worth is now penniless. But we still must pay for our mensural cycle essentials. Why is care free sex now more accessible and encouraged than supplying products for menstruation? Millions of women will be able to get free contraceptive pills on the high [...]