First Date: Is It Okay To Split The Bill?

First Date: Is It Okay To Split The Bill?

You’re laughing, gazing into each other's eyes, then the bill comes. Romeo turns into the tax man, what next?! Going Dutch? *please send help* The day’s arrived. This could be Prince Charming, potentially the one, hypothetically the father of your children. Women generally think about these things in the hours and minutes approaching the date. [...]

How Long Should You Wait For A Proposal?

How Long Should You Wait For A Proposal?

They say diamonds are a girl's best friend; why wait? This is the question that many can't seem to answer. Is there a timeframe on love? No. Is there a timeframe on when the person knows how they feel? Yes. Do some people still carry on in a relationship keeping their true feelings under-wraps, because [...]

Milestone: 1000 Followers!

Milestone: 1000 Followers!

I'm speechless! I can't believe it! When I first started this blog which is just under a year old, I never would've thought in my wildest dreams I'd reach this milestone. I didn't even have 100 followers in my head, never mind 1000. Everyone on this platform, start from such humble beginnings, and obviously mine [...]

Holiday To Paris – The Louvre !

The Louvre is one of Paris's main attractions, so what could possibly happen when I went? Our plan was to visit the Louvre early afternoon, then go for dinner afterwards since it was a special occasion. Instead of going to the Louvre then making our way back to the hotel (which is quite far away), [...]